REFORM project


REFORM - Retelling the European Future – Opportunity for Rural Municipalities to decrease the impact of Euroscepticism at local level - Nr. 615485-CITIZ-1-2019-2-HU-CITIZ-NT

Project was funded with the support of the European Union under the Programme "Europe for Citizens" 

Period: 2020-2023

The project will bring together 28 rural municipalities from all parts of the European Union sharing the same concerns about the rise of Euroscepticism among inhabitants at both institutional and civic levels. Therefore, the REFORM is our answer to that problem. The title speaks for itself, reforms ("reform may be no more than fine tuning, or at most redressing serious wrongs without altering the fundamentals of the system") are needed to remain united and build a strong and improved EU for the future.

The project aims are to decrease the level of Euroscepticism at the local level, strengthen democratic engagement, encourage volunteering, and help in building the future European society.

Within the 2 years the participants will gain knowledge on the EU institutions and benefits, common values, history and different cultures, but they will also learn from each other and help one another understand and tackle Euroscepticism.

The project will be carried out as a University believing that only education can aid in making changes/reforms in the world.

Project summary